
Annual General Meeting - Monday 14th October 2024

Wednesday, 6th November 2024

Annual General Meeting


Friends of Kenninghall Primary School Meeting Minutes held Monday 14th October 2024 at 6.30pm in the school hall.



Gabrielle Walsh (GW) Catriona Harvey (CH) Nick Tabram (NT) Karen Staff (KST) Harriet Waters (HW) Julie Branford (JB) Rose Whittle (RW) Karen Cummins (KC) Mandy Taylor (MT) Rosie Lowe (RL) Catherine Moore (CM)

Attendees via Teams

Carrie Spencer (CS) Katie Smith (KS) Fran Sewell (FS) Kelly Shaw (KS) Todd Spencer (TS)



Trustees Present

Gabrielle Walsh, Catriona Harvey, Carrie Spencer, Rose Whittle, Nick Tabram, Karen Staff, Karen Cummins, Fran Sewell

It has been confirmed that as 8 trustees present, there are an additional 8 persons present to meet quorum.


Finances for academic year 2023/2024 (October to October)

Prepared by Carrie Spencer as Treasurer

Opening balance as of 16th October 2023 was £5,822.59

Total income for the year 2023/2024 was £10,330.78

Total outgoing for the year 2023/2024 was £11,326.07

Starting balance for academic year 2024/2025 (October to October) is £4,827.13


The year saw a large increase for both the Bewilderwood trip and Panto trip due to the increase in the number of pupils now present at the school, and this will continue to increase for the upcoming year.

Without transport taken into consideration, the additional extra for each trip was £200 per trip for entry/tickets alone.

The budget class field trip budget from £500 to £800 per class

ACTION POINT – Do we need to vote as to whether the increased amount will remain into the next academic year?

Due to larger class sizes, the cost for the leaver’s gifts (hoodies and gift bags) the cost was also significantly higher.

New reception starter packs have already been purchased and this includes book bags for the 2025 reception pupils.

We will potentially need an additional fundraiser this year because we need to raise an additional £1000 to cover the increased travel costs and additional pupils.

The accounts are fully prepared and welcome to view. If you would like to view the accounts in full, please contact Carrie who will arrange this for you.



Code of Conduct & our Constitution

CH advised that a copy of the Constitution and our code of conduct had been emailed to all members of the committee prior to the meeting, and all confirmed that this had been read and received.

GW highlighted that as part of the code of conduct, if you wish to remain on the main whatsapp group, you must communicate.

GW stated that where polls are used, these must be acknowledged.


Voting in of named Trustees/Committee Members

  • Nick Tabram stated he wishes to remain as a named trustee and bank signatory

Vote 1 – Gabrielle Walsh             Vote 2 – Catriona Harvey

  • Francesca Sewell stated she wishes to remain as a named trustee

Vote 1 – Nick Tabram                    Vote 2 – Gabrielle Walsh

  • Rose Whittle stated she wishes to remain as a named trustee

Vote 1 – Harriet Waters               Vote 2 – Karen Cummins

  • Karen Staff stated she wishes to remain as a named trustee

Vote 1 – Rose Whittle                   Vote 2 – Julie Branford

  • Karen Cummins stated she wishes to remain as a named trustee

Vote 1 – Catriona Harvey            Vote 2 – Karen Staff

  • Rosie Lowe stated she wished to be a named trustee

Vote 1 – Rose Whittle                   Vote 2 – Gabrielle Walsh

  • Gabrielle Walsh stated she wishes to remain as a named trustee

Vote 1 – Catriona Harvey            Vote 2 – Rosie Lowe

  • Carrie Spencer stated she wishes to remain as a named trustee

Vote 1 – Francesca Sewell          Vote 2 – Nick Tabram

  • Catriona Harvey stated she wishes to remain as a named trustee

Vote 1 – Gabrielle Walsh             Vote 2 – Harriet Waters


It has been confirmed that there are 9 names trustees/committee members.


Nominations & voting in of named positions and named trustees

GW welcomed any persons wishing to volunteer/nominate themselves for a named position. There were no new nominations/volunteers for a named position.


Gabrielle Walsh stated that she will be happy to continue as chair for the next year.

Vote 1 – Catriona Harvey            Vote 2 – Rose Whittle



Carrie Spencer stated that she will be happy to continue as treasurer for the next year

Vote 1 – Nick Tabram    Vote 2 – Francesca Sewell



Catriona Harvey stated she will be happy to continue as secretary for the next year

Vote 1 – Julie Branford                 Vote 2 – Karen Cummins


GW reiterated that it is fully respected that not all members of the team wish to be named trustees, but as the core committee we choose to have an additional documented list of named volunteers, who are:

Julie Branford, Katie Smith, Harriet Waters, Kelly Shaw, Mandy Taylor & Catherine Moore.


A huge thank you to all members of the team, for everyone’s contribution throughout the year and for the year ahead. We could not do what we do and continue to do for the children, the parents, and the school without you.




  • Gambling Licence Application

CH stated that for us to sell raffle tickets OUTSIDE of the date where the prize/s are drawn, we must hold a Small Society Lottery Licence, issued by the council.

If we hold the licence, it means we can sell raffle tickets before the date of the draw and at different locations (the village shop, for example).

The licence costs £40 for the first year, and £20 for every year thereafter.

All tickets sold must be official tickets, showing the charity name & number, what the funds are raised for, price of ticket, date of the draw and what the prize/s is/are. The tickets must also show who the named person in charge of the lottery licence is.

Tickets CANNOT be sold to any persons under 16.

We can sell online if we choose to do so (pending a conversation with NT to see if this would be possible)

After each event, we must submit to the gambling commission the totals raised, and the monies spent, and we must be able to on demand show the amount of lottery proceeds.

The price of all tickets must be the same.

CH asked for a vote from all members as to whether the licence is applied for.

It was a unanimous vote that the licence be applied for.

  • GW again thanked everyone for their attendance and again for everyone’s time and dedication throughout the year. It really does make such a huge difference and is so greatly appreciated. Thank you, all of you.

The committee members thanked the named committee members for their roles throughout the year, which was very much appreciated, thank you 😊